Dental implants involve precise surgical techniques, premium quality components, and uncompromising patient care and deliver success rates that make dental implants the premier standard of tooth replacement procedures.
Implants are essentially tiny columns, or posts, made of strong, corrosion-resistant titanium. In a gentle procedure, the exact number of posts needed to accomplish the desired outcome is strategically placed for optimal support. A single implant may be inserted for the replacement of one tooth or a few teeth, topped with a crown or dental bridge, or several implants may be placed to act as a support for your denture appliance. This proven restorative treatment is designed around your needs, to keep you in your best, most functional smile.
Following treatment, temporary restorations may be placed on front teeth if needed, so that you never go without teeth. Within a few months of placement, implant posts will be fused with healthy bone for permanent, solid support of replacement teeth.
With dental implants, you never have to worry about the gums becoming irritated due to an ill-fitting denture. You will not experience the embarrassment of a denture slipping when you eat, smile, or speak. You will be able to continue eating all of your favorite foods, and, best of all, you will feel fully confident in your new smile.